Here you will find brief introductions of some of the notable projects I've worked with. These projects aren't exactly the project grants from funding entities. In that regard, some of these projects were funded by the EU FP7 SimpleSkin project, some by the BMBF HeadSense project. Others are more or less collaborations out of pure scientific interests.
The TPM framework is my expertise doctorate topic, which is mainly the result of the SimpleSkin project. It further expanded into some of the projects, such as Trainwear, Expressure, Smart-Mat, Smart Soccer Shoe.
I am especially interested in sports activity recognition using wearable and pervasive systems, some projects falls within this scope, such as CoRSA, Trainwear, SmartMat, Smart Soccer Shoe.
Within the HeadSense scope, my collaborators and I have worked on the CoRSA, Expressure, HGX.
TPM Framework
Textile Pressure Mapping Matrix, my doctoral thesis topic. The TPM framework enables activity recognition using pressure sensitive fabric matrix.
Cardio-Respiratory monitoring for Sports Activities. CoRSA uses embedded sensors in wireless face and head garments to continuously monitor those vital signs. With the Bosch BME sensors, it can perform clinical level spirometry!
Pressure mapping mats as exercise assistants.
Smart cabin crew assistant. Yes we tested it in the sky!
Futuristic fabrics that can feel your muscle movement.
Correlating expressions, emotions and cognitive activities from the forehead pressure and other sense of touch.
Smart helmet with sensors more than our actual head.
Smart Soccer Shoe
Detect expressions from the forehead pressure.